I just installed AWstats on a freebsd system from ports, version 6.95 and ran into some issues with the installer.
First, awstats_configure.pl has a mistake that leads to:
Error: Failed to open ‘(your awstats.model.conf’) for read.
This is because $AWSTATS_PATH is prepended to “/wwwroot/” instead of “/” throughout the script. Search and replace config.pl to fix or try this one awstats_configure.pl (no warranties).
Second, there’s an error in the httpd.conf configuration that fails to provide sufficient permissions. Add
Options FollowSymLinks
inside the
Third, the icons dont display (or display as broken images) due to a small typo in the icons directory specification. At line 222 in the yoursite.conf file that awstats_configure.pl generates, use
and make sure the httpd.conf directive reads
Alias /awstatsicons “/usr/local/www/awstats/icons/”
(not …/icon/”) . I use setup an awstats.conf file in /apache22/Includes (see below) and take the directives out of httpd.conf myself.
# Directives to allow use of AWStats as a CGI
Alias /awstatsclasses “/usr/local/www/awstats/classes/”
Alias /awstatscss “/usr/local/www/awstats/css/”
Alias /awstatsicons “/usr/local/www/awstats/icons/”
ScriptAlias /awstats “/usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/”
# This is to permit URL access to scripts/files in AWStats directory.
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
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