Awesome SSL client cert fun
Client cert authentication is oddly elusive given the practical value. I found a neat bug:
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth 3
SSLCADNRequestPath /usr/local/openssl/certs/clientcerts/
I get a request for identification in firefox, no problem. If I choose the right certificate to respond with I get an instant child pid 61501 exit signal Bus error (10). Every click on the “OK” button gets another seg fault. Yay. Magic.
Pleasant Post Apocalyptic Sunday
On the Road in Iraq
We took a very nice tour from Baghdad to Basrah by car. The countryside is pretty amazing, from the relative lushness of the fertile crescent to the desert sands of the south to the marshes of the deep south and the distant flare gas fires on the horizon.
Normal flare gas
Ut oh, blow out…
Stupidest Dialog Box Evar
This is the dialog you get in thunderbird if you end up with multiple operations running – such as if you “download all mail” twice without realizing that a previous iteration is still running.

I could not possibly care that a background operation failed (and should be patiently and silently waiting until the other operation finishes, then try again itself; maybe, just maybe letting me know if I’m going to quit or shut down how many operations are pending in a single dialog).
But not only could no user ever care about the information provided by this dialog, it is done so as a modal dialog that steals focus. ZOMG, that’s the sort of user-hating bad design that makes people abandon a package.