David Gessel
Good Kitty
This morning Kitty brought a live mouse into the house. They seemed to be enjoying staring at each other, so I let them play. Looks like kitty got tired of playing.
Phew. Now Jeff can buy another jet.
As you may have heard, California Governor Jerry Brown has signed legislation repealing the law that had forced us to terminate our California Associates. We are pleased to invite all California Associates whose accounts were closed due to the prior legislation to re-enroll in the Associates Program.
Best Regards,
The Amazon Associates Team
I first read this as Amazon giving up and quietly reinstating their associates program and thus paying the sales tax they owe. Alas, not the case. I guess California vs. Amazon, Amazon wins.
Latte Art at Gaylord’s
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
EV Parking at SFO
If you get a “Variable CFLAGS is recursive.” error when doing a portupgrade -ra on freeBSD, it appears the make file is broken. “break19” debugged it in this post.
at line 64 change #CFLAGS+= to #CFLAGS:=
his fix worked for me.