David Gessel

Rubygem passenger flavors in FreeBSD

Saturday, February 3, 2018 

The latest bit of code to adopt the trendy new “flavors” model is passenger.  As “flavors” aren’t supported in Portmaster, this means the transition results in errors  like:

/bin/rmdir /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/stage/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4/extensions 2> /dev/null || true
( cd /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/passenger-5.1.12 &&  /bin/sh -c '(/usr/bin/find -Ed $1 $3 | /usr/bin/cpio -dumpl $2 >/dev/null 2>&1) &&  /usr/bin/find -Ed $1 $3 \(   -type d -exec /bin/sh -c '\''cd '\''$2'\'' && chmod 755 "$@"'\'' . {} +  -o -type f -exec /bin/sh -c '\''cd '\''$2'\'' && chmod 0644 "$@"'\'' . {} + \)' COPYTREE_SHARE buildout /var/ports/usr/ports/www/rubygem-passenger/work-apache/stage/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4/gems/passenger-5.1.12 )
find: buildout: No such file or directory
find: buildout: No such file or directory

You can make with flavors manually or (assuming your current version is 5.1.12, adjust as needed):

# portmaster -o www/rubygem-passenger rubygem-passenger-5.1.12
Posted at 04:58:54 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDTechnology

Meltdown and Spectre

Friday, January 5, 2018 

I find the Meltdown/Spectre drama a bit amusing.  Years ago, I was miffed that Intel (allegedly?) made a backroom deal with server manufacturers to exclude AMD and made an effort (which wasn’t trivial) to find an IBM x3655 7943 (I couldn’t, but I got an Intel-based x3650 and a x3655 mobo on ebay, then some QC AMD Opterons, heat sink compound, and off I went.)

Kind of a frankencomputer, but less so than my previous Netfinity 5500 M20 quad socket home server with some homebuilt mods and custom EIDE cables to support the internal (full height! 5.25″!) backup drives.  Ohh… 500GB drives were big back then.

Anyhow, for no better reason than because I was offended by Intel’s tactics a decade ago, my server isn’t vulnerable to “Meltdown” or, according to AMD’s recently posted status, “Spectre 2.”  As it doesn’t have a GUI, nobody is browsing compromised Java-bearing websites, Spectre 1 is unlikely to cause any problems, though I’m keeping an eye on the LLVM updates.

I have, however, updated my phones and laptop and you should too.  Stay on top of this one for a while as the updates are still coming.  I’ve seen Meltdown-mitigating updates on my Samsung, but not Huawei, on Linux but not (yet) on Microsoft.  Apple says their December updates not only crippled your older iPhones so you’d make the pilgrimage to the Apple store for your cool aide, but also patched them (if you accepted the slowdown penalty).  Update.  Everything.  Spectre is going to be harder: OS and Application and possibly microcode updates may be required, depending on platform.  Be extra cautious about opening unknown attachments or visiting unfamiliar websites.  Run noscript or another code blocker.  Remember, ads that sites run can also carry malicious code, and blockers not only make the web run faster, but safer too.  Of course they break the advertising funded web model you rely on.

However, if you’re dumb enough to have any important data (as an individual or a company) on anyone else’s hardware (e.g. AWS, Google, Azure, etc), good luck.  All anyone has to do to get your datas is run their own VM instance on the same server you’re on.   And while they’re all saying they “only” cost you 5-30% of your performance to isolate kernel memory to protect against meltdown attacks, there does not seem to be a really viable patch for Spectre yet, and perhaps not without new hardware.  If you were running your own server without unknown guests, you wouldn’t need to worry about this.  I will never fail to be astonished at how utterly incompetent most companies are that they can’t run a mail server.  If you can’t afford an IT department, I get it, but if you have IT staff and they can’t run a mail server, are they really IT staff?

Posted at 16:36:40 GMT-0700

Category: HowToSecurityTechnology

The Daily, from the NYT, weirdly slow

Saturday, December 30, 2017 

From my distant location overseas, listening to the news via podcasts is a great way to keep up: something I’m quite grateful to have access to on demand and via the internets.   Until the end of Net Neutrality means that only “Verizon Insights” and “Life at AT&T” are still accessible, I enjoy a range of news sources on a daily basis using a podcatcher called Beyond Pod.  One of the essential features it has is the ability to speed up the tempo of podcasts, some of which are a bit slow as recorded.  But one…. one is like dripping molasses on a winter day: The Daily from the NYT by Michael Barbaro.  I’m pretty sure silences are inserted in editing to draw out the drama to infuriating lengths and the tempo of the audio is selectively slowed to about half normal speed.  Nobody can actually talk that slowly.  I mean listen and try – like actually try to draw out a word that might take 1 second to pronounce to two full seconds.   It is a pretty good news summary and has some useful information, but there’s no way I’d suffer through it without setting the tempo to 2x.

Every time I accidentally stream the podcast, rather than downloading and playing, the tempo control is disabled and while I scramble to skip to the next podcast before my I start questioning reality I often wonder for a moment just how bad the pauses are.  Here’s my analysis:

I consider the BBC Global News to be a very professional, truly “broadcast quality” podcast.  The announcers are clear, comprehensible, and speak at a pace that is appropriate for a news broadcast.  I still speed it up because daily life is like that now, but if I listen at normal pace, it isn’t even slightly annoying.

The Economist Radio is fairly typical of a print publication’s efforts at presenting print journalists as audio stars.  it doesn’t always work out perfectly and the pacing varies a lot by who is speaking and the rather eclectic line-up.  In general it is annoyingly slow, but not interminably so.  It comes across as a bit amateur by broadcast standards, but well done and very informative.

But then there’s The Daily from the NYT.  This podcast was the reason I took the time to figure out how to speed up playback.  There was no other choice: either unsubscribe or speed it up to something not aneurysm inducing.  Looking at the waveforms, I suspect they might actually be inserting silences of around 500msec between words, perhaps for dramatic effect (there’s way too much dramatic effect in a lot of the stories, which speeding up only hastens rather than fully alleviating—never have you heard so many interviewees break into uncomfortable tears as they’re overwhelmed by whatever the day’s tragedy is, an artifice only slightly less annoying than broadcasting the sound of someone eatingOMG, that’s real.  Rule 34.)

Read more…

Posted at 07:42:26 GMT-0700

Category: AudioTechnology

Let’s Encrypt….

Sunday, December 10, 2017 

Let’s encrypt, why not?

Wanna know how I did it for FreeBSD/Apache/acme-client, jump below.

Let’s encrypt is a service from the fine people at Mozilla, who, when they’re not trying to prove that Firefox can be a Chrome clone, do some really good stuff. Certificates are what give you the little warm fuzzy feeling of a green lock icon, and when properly configured, avoid giving you that terrifying feeling that something horrible is about to happen if you visit a site with an expired one or a self-signed one.

There are some huge structural problems in the certificate concept that seem to exist only to validate the certificate mafia, that can charge $100s per year for a validated certificate, as if executing the script to issue one was somehow expensive. It is not, you can generate one yourself that provides exactly the same security as one provided by a big company that gets their root certs distributed in a browser, but browsers reject these with scary messages so webmasters have to keep buying them.

Now there’s a theory behind why they’re ripping you off: the premise is that the certificate verifies the site is who it says it is – that if you go to mybank.com, you’re actually visiting your real bank, not being redirected by a man-in-the-middle attack to some fake landing page to harvest your passwords, log into your account, and steal all your cats.  There are a few problems with this:

  • Nobody actually checks a URL so while a certificate sort of adds some weight to the probability that mybank.com is owned by mybank, not some hacker a few tables over ARP poisoning the cafe wifi, it doesn’t do anything if you click on a link to mibank.com.
  • The companies that claim to check IDs and verify owners, do not.  That would cost money. You think they’re gonna actually do that?  No… (CAcert actually does, but they don’t get a root cert because… they do it for free. And don’t have Mozilla’s money and clout.)
  • Stealing a root cert private key can generate significant LOLZ; it happens a lot.
  • Law enforcement the world over has “lawful intercept” certs.  You’re probably on some country’s poop list if you have ever used social media. Their laws permit intercepting your communications.  Some country’s laws somewhere certainly do no matter who you are.
  • But dang, those annoying warnings that do nothing to secure you mean that people who publish a website just for the good of the planet either have to pay up, go through a lot of hassle, or leave their user’s content streams exposed to the world’s prying eyes…

…Until Let’s Encrypt came along.  It is a lovely little set of tools and services that not only issue browser-accepted certs (see the green lock?) but also automate renewal.  They basically check that you have enough control over your website to let a script write a file that that they can read back and verify, and if so, you’re who you say you are: the person with write access to the server powering the website they’re giving the certificate too.  That’s all anyone can really do, and is as secure as any other cert there is for identification of a site: that is except for stolen certs, url typos, law enforcement certs, or malicious code on your computer, if you visit https://brt.llc/ and you don’t get any warnings, you’re probably reading data coming off my computer and not some hacker pretending to be me.

I got Let’s Encrypt to work, but it took some modifications of the existing guides, and I think the service is a good thing that more people should use, so in the spirit of investing some of my resources into the great shared experiment that is Open Source, here’s my How To:

Upstream Guides:

I found these two guides extremely helpful.



Step 1: Installing the certificate generation tool

There are a few different software tools to manage the Let’sEncrypt process.  I elected to use Kristaps Dzonsons acme-client, ported to FreeBSD by Bernard Spil.

I was using OpenSSL on my site.  Bernard and Kristaps have some strong opinions on OpenSSL and heartbleed and a few other problems and therefore require LibreSSL.   If you’re using it already, great.  If not, you’ll have to install it.  It wasn’t too terrible, but I ran into a few issues:

Or, easy peasy https://ootput.github.io/2016/07/20/Switching-to-LibreSSL/

ee /etc/make.conf
 -> set DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= ssl=libressl
portmaster -od security/libressl security/openssl
portmaster -rd security/libressl

if that fails with

===>>> The argument to -r must be a package name, or a glob pattern

Then try:

pkg version -v | grep libre
  libressl-2.6.3 = up-to-date with index
portmaster -rd libressl-2.6.3
# or for a complete refresh
portmaster -Rafd

Curl will probably fail with LibreSSL (and with the latest, if it has brotli support enabled).  Check the google to see if these fixes are still needed, or just:

# cd /usr/ports/ftp/curl
# make config

disable TLS-SRP  https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/56917/

ftp/curl 7.75.0 has an issue with pied piper brotli, which requires modifying the makefile to build --without-brotli as indicated in comment #2 

(Sunpoet, the curl port maintainer, got back to me with an update: when PR/223966 is integrated in Brotli, he will add an optional Brotli support flag and it should work fine at that point without the Makefile edit.)

Step 2: Actually installing acme-client

The really easy part: you should be able to

# portmaster security/acme-client

and be on your way to configuration heaven.

Step 3: Initial configuration

The defaults for acme-client expect certain directories to exist and the installer doesn’t create them.

# mkdir -pm750 /usr/local/www/.well-known && chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/.well-known
# mkdir -pm750 /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge && chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge

The how-to’s seemed to forget the last one.

And make a modification to your httpd.conf file to permit the Let’s Encrypt servers to have access to these folders:

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

add the following:

# Lets Encrypt challenge directory configured per 
# https://brnrd.eu/security/2016-12-30/acme-client.html
<Directory "/usr/local/www/.well-known/">
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
        Header add Content-Type text/plain

And, for each VHOST that is going to get a cert:

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

add to each non-ssl VHOST definition the following:

Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/.well-known/

such that you end up with something like (yours may be different, especially watch out for BasicAuth or ModRewrite, addressed further down):

<VirtualHost IP.NU.MB.ER:80>
    ServerName domain.com
    ServerAdmin admin@domain.com
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data-dist/domain-root
    ServerAlias *.domain.com www.domain.com
    Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/.well-known/
    ErrorLog /var/log/domain-error_log
    CustomLog /var/log/domain-access_log combined
    ScriptAlias /cgi-prg /www/cgi-prg

Don’t forget!

# apachectl restart

Step 4: First Try

At this point the system should be configured sufficiently to do a trial run with a single domain from the command line. Later on there are some scripts that will automate the process of both converting a large number of VHOSTed domains on a server to Let’s Encrypt and for maintaining them and getting email notifications if anything goes wrong in the, hopefully, fully automatic renewal process.

acme-client -mvnNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge domain.com www.domain.com

This should create all the directories still needed and populate them, then check with the lets encrypt server and get a certificate and install it in the right place.  Inshalla.

If you get something like

acme-client: transfer buffer: [{ "type": "urn:acme:error:malformed","detail": "Provided agreement URL[https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.1.1-August-1-2016.pdf]does not match current agreement URL[https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf]","status": 400 }] (267 bytes)

That means the lets encrypt agreement has changed.  You can’t do much but write the port maintainer or wait for an update.  It will get fixed quickly and should only happen once a year.  I don’t think you’ll get it at all unless you’re unlucky enough to try to update when it is changing.  I was.

More likely you’ll get something like

acme-client: transfer buffer: [{ "type": "http-01", "status": "invalid", "error": { "type": "urn:acme:error:unauthorized", "detail": "Invalid response from : (etc...)

This means there’s a problem accessing the /.well-known/ directory by the server.  There can be a lot of reasons for this:

  • You didn’t restart apache # apachectl restart
  • There was an error in the config file (look at the output of the restart) and therefore apache didn’t actually reaload with your new config.
  • DNS isn’t pointing where you think it is pointing.  Check with nslookup/whois to make sure.  Really.
  • You have the directories protected in some way – like with .htaccess.  (see below)

But if it goes well, you’ll get something like:

acme-client: /usr/local/etc/acme/domain.com/privkey.pem: account key exists (not creating)
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/domain.com/privkey.pem: domain key exists (not creating)
acme-client: : directories
acme-client: acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org: DNS:
acme-client: acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org: DNS: 2001:418:142b:290::3d5
acme-client: acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org: DNS: 2001:418:142b:28d::3d5
acme-client: : req-auth: domain.com
acme-client: /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge/_ffVe6jHNHbIG1XKAeoqQmmtryWMGCKsfHIWWkl5lJw: created
acme-client: : challenge
acme-client: : status
acme-client: : certificate
acme-client: http://cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org/: full chain
acme-client: cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org: DNS:
acme-client: cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org: DNS:
acme-client: cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org: DNS: 2001:5a8:100::b817:9fb0
acme-client: cert.int-x3.letsencrypt.org: DNS: 2001:5a8:100::b817:9fb1
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/domain.com/chain.pem: created
acme-client: /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/domain.com/cert.pem: created

Yay, you’ve got certs!  Now update your vhosts file to point to the certs you just created.  You may need to add a 443 container or, if it exists, update it to point to the new certs and restart apache.

# ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost IP.NU.MB.ER:443>
      ServerName domain.com
      ServerAdmin admin@domain.com
      DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/domainroot
      ServerAlias domain.com sub.domain.com
      SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/domain.com/cert.pem
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/domain.com/privkey.pem
      SSLCertificateChainFile /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/domain.com/fullchain.pem
      Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
      ErrorLog /var/log/domain-error_log
      CustomLog /var/log/domain-access_log combined

save and restart, look for any errors (typos on directory paths etc. will be detected and apache won’t restart, but be aware, it won’t quit either).

# apachectl restart
 Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
 Syntax OK
 Stopping apache24.
 Waiting for PIDS: 81160.
 Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
 Syntax OK
 Starting apache24.

Navigate to https://web.archive.org/web/20241229004742/https://www.domain.com/ and check out your new green lock.  Check security and you should find:


Acme-Client Options

# man acme-client has all the deets, but we’re using:

  • -m to append the domain name to paths, use this and always use it or never.
  • -v for verbose output so we can see what is going on.
  • -n to check if an account key exists and create if not (no reason to omit)
  • -N to check if a domain key exists and create if not (also no reason to omit)
  • -C to specify the path to the challenge dir.  These guides all assume a centralized challenge dir outside the main serving path, and to which we redirect via an alias directive.
  • -F which forces the recreation of certs even if they haven’t expired (this counts against your 10 per 3 hours limit)
  • -s which redirects the process to the Let’s Encrypt staging server, which has no volume limits but also doesn’t create certs browsers accept.  (Using this is fine, but requires cleanup to switch to the production server, see below)
  • -e which is used to add a SAN to the certificate.  Removing one is a bit more involved (see below).

Automating Registration

Lets say you have a lot of domains, you might want to automate the process.  I modified the renewal script to automate the registration process.  This saved some time, but one quirk is you can only register 10 domains (certificates, including SANs, basically 10 lines of the domains list) per 3 hours (they say-I found it takes more like 12 hours to be allowed to register more).

First create  a file with all the domains you want to register for a Let’s Encrypt certificate in the same format as the renewal script uses (it can be the same file, but I made it different as I was experimenting)

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/newdomains.txt
domain.com www.domain.com
domain2.com www.domain2.com
domain3.com www.domain3.com 

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-bulk-add.sh


# This script was adapted by Richard Fassett from letskencrypt.sh
# by Bernard Spil
# See https://brnrd.eu/security/2016-12-30/acme-client.html
# and updated again from richard fassett's script at
# https://web.archive.org/web/20180813162024/https://www.richardfassett.com/2017/01/16/using-lets-encrypt-with-acme-client-on-a-freebsd-11apache-2-4/
# this requires a file called /usr/local/etc/acme/newdomains.txt of the format
# domain.tld sub.domain.tld alt.domain.tld
# domain2.tld 
# domaind3.tld sub.domain3.tld 
# etc
# This should only be run to bulk-add domains.

# Define location of dirs and files

# Loop through the newdomains.txt file with lines like
# example.org www.example.org img.example.org
cat ${DOMAINSFILE} | while read domain subdomains ; do

  # Create the cert directory with the command
  # acme-client -mvnNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge (domain subdomains)
  acme-client -mvnN -C "${CHALLENGEDIR}" ${domain} ${subdomains}


# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-bulk-add.sh

A few fixes/recoveries that might be useful at this point: add SAN, remove SAN, switch from staging to production Let’s Encrypt servers.

Automation can break things, you might find you adjusted a few domains incorrectly or want to add a SAN later.

If you need to redo a domain from scratch, for example if you use the “s” option which created a cert from the staging server that doesn’t have volume limits (maybe you’re testing a lot of domains or trying to debug a particularly tricky .htaccess or DNS condition) – you might create a domain with acme-client -mvnsNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge domain.com www.domain.com and then want to generate the production cert.  You also need to do this to remove a SAN.  If you try without deleting the directories, you’ll get something like unknown SAN entry. (You replace “domain.com” with your domain.)

# setenv DD domain.com
# rm -r /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/private/$DD && rm -r /usr/local/etc/acme/$DD && rm -r /usr/local/etc/ssl/acme/$DD && acme-client -mvnFNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge $DD www.$DD

If you need to add a new SAN to an existing domain

acme-client -mvneFNC /usr/local/www/.well-known/acme-challenge domain.com www.domain.com newsub.domain.com

it is the -e that “extends” the certificate.

Step 5: Automating Renewal

You might notice that the duration of the certificate is rather short: 3 months.  You really don’t want to be responding to certificate expired errors every 3 months, so let’s automate the renewal process.  For this you can create two files and store them on your server.  One is the renewal script itself and the other is a list of domains to renew.  This assumes you have more than one domain.  If you only have one domain, this is a bit overkill, but it will work, so why not?  You might get more domains in the future.   Everyone does.

First create a file with your list of domains, call it something creative like “domains.txt”  This is really a certificate request list with the “primary” domain and Subject Alternative Names (SANs) each on a single line.  In theory the SANs can be all over the place and Let’s Encrypt allows up to 100 per certificate (quite a lot), so the implication of “domains.txt” naming is a bit inaccurate, but that’s what everyone is using so we won’t be contrary.  You have to make sure that all the subdomains resolve—the Let’s Encrypt servers are going to look them up via DNS and if there aren’t working entries, this will fail with one of the errors above.  Check first.  I have not tested whether, if for example, you own domain.com, domain.org, and domain.net and they all point to the same directory, you can use one cert with different TLDs (or domains) as SANs; you should be able to, but I didn’t try.

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/domains.txt

domain.com www.domain.com sub.domain.com sub2.domain.com
domain.org www.domain.org
domain2.com www.domain2.com cats.domain2.com kittens.domain2.com

Now that you’ve saved that, the following script is adapted from a few at the references listed above and works on my server.  I made a few adjustments and corrections (there was a name change for acme-client which hasn’t quite propagated through all the HowTos yet).

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-update.sh

# This script was adapted from letskencrypt.sh by Bernard Spil
# See https://brnrd.eu/security/2016-12-30/acme-client.html
# ... and further modified by David Gessel  
# This script will fail if the directories haven't been set up and
# domains in domain.txt have been successfully verified

# Define location of dirs and files

# is changed to 1 if any domains expired and were renewed

# Loop through the domains.txt file with lines like
# example.org www.example.org img.example.org
cat ${DOMAINSFILE} | while read domain subdomains ; do

    # acme-client returns RC=2 when certificates 
    # weren't changed; use set +e to capture the return code
    set +e
    # Renew the key and certs if required
    acme-client -mvb -C "${CHALLENGEDIR}" ${domain} ${subdomains}
   # now that we have the return code, set script to exit if 
   # nonzero is returned
   set -e

   # if anything is expired, we'll want to do something 
   # (e.g., restart HTTPS)
   if [ $RC -ne 2 ] ; then

if [ "$CHECKEXPIRATION" -ne "0" ] ; then
        service apache24 restart

# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-update.sh

This works quite well and will walk through your domains and renew as needed.

I have 36 domain/certificate lines in my “domains.txt” file and timing this script it takes 2.13 seconds to execute on my server.  There’s no real problem running it every night and if you have a lot of domains, you should remember you can only get 10 certs at a time and they won’t renew for about a week before expiry, a limitation I ran into in the bulk setup process.  You can spread your domain renewals out over the three months by force renewing blocks of them if you have more than about 60 per server.

You probably want to automate the process as a cron job. But before we do, lets address one more little problem: one of the shortcomings of the script process below is that the output messages of the script are output to stdout and only cron’s stderr is emailed to the admin. If your shell environment is wrong or the path to the script is wrong, cron will tell you, but if your domains don’t resolve or the script can’t reach /.well-known/, you will not get any warnings. That’s might be a bummer. So I redirect the output of the client-update.sh script to a log file. It gets overwritten with each execution, so it doesn’t need to be rotated – it is just the output of the last execution. It should be filled with lines including “adding SAN” (which it tells you for each domain) and “certificate valid” which it tells you for each cert that doesn’t need to be renewed. But it might tell you something else, like it barfed trying to reach the /.well-known/ directory because, say, you messed around with .htaccess or forgot to renew your domain and it is being redirected to parking or something. The following script first checks to see if there are any lines in /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew other than the expected, and if so, emails just those lines. You shouldn’t get anything until renewal time or if there’s an error. If you don’t care about renewal notices, you can edit the script to ignore those too.

# ee /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-errors.sh

# this script scans the log file created by the renewal execution cron job
# then removes any lines containing "adding SAN" or "certificate valid", which
# are normal messages, and mails whatever is left over using the "mail" command
# check full paths (or use relative) but full paths can avoid some errors
# use "# which grep" and "# which mail" on your system to check.


/usr/bin/grep -v "adding SAN" /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew | \
/usr/bin/grep -v "certificate valid" | /usr/bin/cat | \
{ while read status

  if [ "$PROBLEM" -ne "0" ] ; then
        /usr/bin/grep -v "adding SAN" /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew | \
        /usr/bin/grep -v "certificate valid" | \
        /usr/bin/mail -s "Lets Encrypt Errors" gessel@blackrosetech.com $1

# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-errors.sh

My cron configuration is set up as

# crontab -e

#*     *     *   *    *        command to be executed
#-     -     -   -    -
#|     |     |   |    |
#|     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
#|     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
#|     |     +--------- day of        month (1 - 31)
#|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
#+------------- min (0 - 59)

# expanded path
# Let's Encrypt renewal check
*       3       *       *       *        /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-update.sh > & /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew
*       4       *       *       *        /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-errors.sh

Note that this requires that mail works. On servers that aren’t serving email, I use SSMTP and configured it more or less following this guide https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/outgoing-only.html and https://www.davd.eu/freebsd-send-mails-over-an-external-smtp-server/ and this https://www.debarbora.com/freebsd-10-1-setup-ssmtp-for-outgoing-mail/ especially the tip about using # chpass to change the default Full Name for root from “Charlie &” to something useful like “ServerName Root.”

You can test the mail function by adding a random word (or domain) to your domains.txt file and then executing

# /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-update.sh > & /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew
# /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-errors.sh

If everything is set up right, you’ll get an email complaining about your random word not being valid.  If you restore the correct domains.txt file and execute the above two commands you should not get an email at all.

# more /var/log/lets-encrypt-renew

should show only lines with “adding SAN” and “certificate valid” in them. If you execute # /usr/local/etc/acme/acme-client-errors.sh you shouldn’t get any message.

.htaccess Problems

If you’re controlling access to a directory or have some non-HTML style process listening, you might run into challenges giving the Let’s Encrypt server access to the /.well-known/ directory.  I found the following formulation worked:

AuthType Basic
     AuthName "Please login."
     AuthUserFile "/xxx/.htpasswd"
     # the directive below also "requires" that the requested URL include /.well-known/
        Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/.well-known/.*#
        Require valid-user

Basically the script above allows (requires) a “valid-user” (one with an entry in the AuthUserFile and valid matching password) and also requires (allows) a URL that is going to /.well-known/ and subdirectories thereof.  This also works in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf and /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

modRewrite to HTTPS problems

You can also create problems by rewriting to HTTPS.  You might want to do this now that you have certs that will auto-renew and you can provide a secure experience for everyone.   In order to get to the /.well-known/ directory, you have to add an exception to the mod-write rule for traffic to this subdirectory like so:

	RewriteEngine on
           RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well\-known/acme\-challenge/
	RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
            RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]

Also, if you redirect on a 404, some formulations cause problems. This one does not seem to:

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

Posted at 06:43:58 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSDHowToSecurityTechnology

Open letter to the FCC 5 regarding net neutrality

Saturday, November 25, 2017 

I’m in favor of net neutrality for a lot of reasons; a personal reason is that I rely on fair and open transport of my bits to work overseas.  If you happen to find this little screed, you can also thank net neutrality for doing so as any argument for neutrality will likely be made unavailable by the ISPs that should charge exorbitant rents for their natural monopolies and would be remiss in their fiduciary responsibility should they fail to take every possible step to maximize shareholder value, for example by permitting their customers access to arguments contrary to their financial or political interests.

I sent the following to the FCC 5.  I am not, I’m sorry to say, optimistic.

Please protect Net Neutrality. It is essential to my ability to operate in Iraq, where I run a technical security business that relies on access to servers and services in the United States. If access to those services becomes subject to a maze of tiered access limitations and tariffs, rather than being treated universally as flat rate data, my business may become untenable unless I move my base of operations to a net neutrality-respecting jurisdiction. The FCC is, at the moment, the only bulwark against a balkanization of data and the collapse of the value premise of the Internet.

While I understand and am sympathetic to both a premise that less government regulation is better in principal and that less regulated markets can be more efficient; this “invisible hand” only works to the benefit in a “well regulated market.” There are significant cases where market forces cannot be beneficial, for example, where the fiduciary responsibility of a company to maximize share-holder value compels exploitation of monopoly rents to the fullest extent permitted by law and, where natural monopolies exist, only regulation prevents those rents from becoming abusive. Delivery of data services is a clear example of one such case, both due to the intrinsic monopoly of physical deployment of services through public resources and due to inherent opportunities to exert market distorting biases into those services to promote self-beneficial products and inhibit competition. That this might happen is not idle speculation: network services companies have routinely attempted to unfairly exploit their positions to their benefit and to the harm of fair and open competition and in many cases were restrained only by existing net neutrality laws that the FCC is currently considering rescinding. The consequences of rescinding net neutrality will be anti-competitive, anti-productive, and will stifle innovation and economic growth.

While it is obvious and inevitable that network companies will abuse their natural monopolies to stifle competition, as they have attempted many times restrained only by previous FCC enforcement of the principal of net neutrality, rescinding net neutrality also poses a direct risk to the validity of democracy. While one can argue that Facebook has already compromised democracy by becoming the world’s largest provider of news through an extraordinarily easily manipulated content delivery mechanism, there’s no evidence that they have yet exploited this to achieve any particular political end nor actively censored criticism of their practices. However, without net neutrality there is no legal protection to inhibit carriers from exploiting their control over content delivery to promote their corporate or political interests while censoring embarrassing or opposing information. As the vast majority of Americans now get their news from on-line resources, control over the delivery of those resources becomes an extraordinarily powerful political weapon; without net neutrality it is perfectly legal for corporations to get “their hands on those weapons” and deploy them against their economic and political adversaries.

Under an implicit doctrine of net neutrality from a naive, but then technically accurate, concept of the internet as a packet network that would survive a nuclear war and that would treat censorship as “damage” and “route around it automatically,” to 2005’s Madison River ruling, to the 2008 Comcast ruling, to 2010’s Open Internet Order the internet has flourished as an open network delivering innovative services and resources that all businesses have come to rely on fairly and equally. Overturning that historical doctrine will result in a digital communications landscape in the US that resembles AT&Ts pre-breakup telephone service: you will be permitted to buy only the services that your ISP deems most profitable to themselves. In the long run, if net neutrality is not protected, one can expect the innovation that has centered in the US since the birth of the internet, which some of us remember as the government sponsored innovation ARPAnet, to migrate to less corporatist climates, such as Europe, where net neutrality is enshrined in law.

The American people are counting on you to protect us from such a catastrophic outcome.

Do not reverse the 2015 Open Internet Order.


David Gessel


Posted at 10:27:50 GMT-0700

oniguruma5 vulnerabilities and php56-mbstring

Thursday, August 3, 2017 

If you’ve had a FreeBSD system up for a while, you might have installed converters/php56-mbstring. It might have originally been installed with devel/oniguruma5, which is unmaintained and has some serious vulnerabilities. If you install it new, it will install devel/oniguruma6 as a dependency and that’s fine. If you’re stuck with the old version:

# pkg audit -F
# portmaster -e oniguruma5-5.9.6_1  (your exact version may vary)
# cd /usr/ports/devel/oniguruma5
# make deinstall
# make clean
# portmaster php56-mbstring-5.6.31 (your exact version may vary)
# pkg audit -F

Vulns erased. I didn’t find anything about this in /usr/ports/UPDATING so, if you’re searching, here it is.



oniguruma5-5.9.6_1 is vulnerable:
oniguruma — multiple vulnerabilities
CVE: CVE-2017-9228
CVE: CVE-2017-9228
CVE: CVE-2017-9227
CVE: CVE-2017-9226
CVE: CVE-2017-9224
WWW: https://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/freebsd/b396cf6c-62e6-11e7-9def-b499baebfeaf.html

Posted at 14:11:33 GMT-0700

Category: FreeBSD

Kitty Poop (1995)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 
Error creating DateTime object: Failed to parse time string (2001 September 10) at position 15 (1): Unexpected character
Posted at 15:16:46 GMT-0700

Category: CatsFilmsFunnyOddSelf-publishingVanity sitesvideo

Telemetry removal script

Saturday, July 30, 2016 

below is a .cmd script for uninstalling all the known telemetry updates (so far) in Windows 7.  These telemetry updates are spyware Microsoft is installing on your computer to send data back to Microsoft.  They have recently begun installing tools to exfiltrate your private files and log your keystrokes to their servers.

While there are people who think Windows 10 is a normal upgrade, there are nations that formally disagree. If you care about privacy; your privacy, your private files, your passwords, accounts, personal data, love letters, medical information, financial information, browsing history, private pictures, etc. not falling into either corporate or criminal hands (via soon to be exploited security holes created by these exfiltration tools) you should consider removing all known telemetry tools from windows 7 and never updating to Windows 10.  And consider suing Microsoft.

If you don’t care about privacy at all, I hear Windows 10 has a pretty GUI.

This script removes all the telemetry (trojan horse) “updates” Microsoft has tried to sneak in so far.


  • https://gist.github.com/xvitaly/eafa75ed2cb79b3bd4e9
  • https://web.archive.org/web/20220807054618/https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/a-complete-list-of-all-updates-you-should-uninstall-to-block-windows-10/
  • https://gessel.blackrosetech.com/2015/08/24/microsoft-spyware-now-being-installed-on-win-7
@echo off
echo Uninstalling KB3075249 (telemetry for Win7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3080149 (telemetry for Win7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3021917 (telemetry for Win7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3021917 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3022345 (telemetry)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3068708 (telemetry)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3044374 (Get Windows 10 for Win8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3044374 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3035583 (Get Windows 10 for Win7sp1/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB2990214 (Get Windows 10 for Win7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2990214 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB2952664 (Get Windows 10 assistant)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2952664 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3075853 (update for "Windows Update" on Win8.1/Server 2012R2)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3075853 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3065987 (update for "Windows Update" on Win7/Server 2008R2)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3065987 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3050265 (update for "Windows Update" on Win7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3050265 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB971033  (license validation)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:971033 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB2902907 (description not available)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2902907 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB2976987 (description not available)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2976987 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB2976978 (compactibility update for Windows 8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:2976978 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3102810 (update for "Windows Update")
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3102810 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3112343 (Windows Update Client for Windows 7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3112343 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3135445 (Windows Update Client for Windows 7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3135445 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3123862 (Windows Update Client for Windows 7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3123862 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3081954 (Telemetry Update for Windows 7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3081954 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3139929 (Get Windows 10 update for MSIE)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3139929 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3138612 (Windows Update Client for Windows 7)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3138612 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3138615 (Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3138615 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3150513 (Compactibility Update (another GWX) for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3150513 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3133977 (buggy update)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3173040 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3139923 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3139923 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3173040 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3173040 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3083710 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3083710 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3083324 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3083324 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3050267 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3050267 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3035583 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3021917 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3021917 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3146449 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3146449 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3044374 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1)
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3044374 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3075249 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
echo Uninstalling KB3123662 (Another GWX for Windows 7/8.1
start /w wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3123662 /quiet /norestart

Posted at 15:40:47 GMT-0700

Category: PrivacyTechnology

A utility for disabling Windows 10

Sunday, June 19, 2016 

While there may be people who actually like Windows 10, there are also many people who aren’t interested in fully exposing every part of their digital life to for-profit mining as means of offsetting Microsoft’s declining profits in the desktop OS business, and if you’re one of those, fighting Microsoft’s truly viral (and malware) marketing techniques is quite a hassle.  It appears there may be an easier way.

Micrsoft has finally provided an “easy” way for people to turn off windows OS update (e.g. from 7.x or 8.x to 10) from happening automatically and without user intervention (and frequently in outright defiance of clear user intent because profits first!)

The short form for people who are comfortable with some of the internal workings of Windows is:

Search for "edit group policy" and open the editor then follow the selection cascade as:

Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates 
-> windows Components -> Windows Update 
->> Turn off the upgrade to the latest version... ->> [x] enabled

The longer instructions are at this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3080351

Easy, no?

I suggest doing this and then downloading and installing the following program.  It will pretty much do the same thing but it also checks to see if Microsoft has already kindly filled your hard disk with malware without your permission and offers to delete it:


Note that my previous posts about removing specific “updates” are still relevant.  The above should prevent windows 10 from auto-updating but Microsoft has been pushing updates with “telemetry” to Win 7 and Win 8, which are also spyware and are tracking you and reporting your usage patterns back to Microsoft without telling you or asking you.

Welcome to the new economy: you’re the product.

Posted at 13:56:56 GMT-0700

Category: HowToPrivacySecurityTechnology

Turn off windows update now!

Monday, March 14, 2016 

If you haven’t already, turn off Windows update now.  Microsoft has recently started installing Windows 10 spyware without consent.  A good friend of mine had a bunch of systems at the company where he runs IT hacked by Microsoft over the weekend, which broke the certificate store for WPA-2 and thus their wifi connections.

To be clear, Windows 10 is spyware.  Microsoft has changed their business model from selling a product to selling data – your data – to whoever they want.  Windows 10 comes with a EULA that gives them the right to steal everything on your computer – your email, your private pictures, your home movies, your love letters, your medical records, your financial records – anything they want without telling you.  “If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.

If this happens to you,  I suggest contacting your state attorney general and filing a complaint against Microsoft.  Hopefully a crushing class action suit or perhaps jail time for the executives that dreamed up this massive heist will help deter future corporate data thieves, though that’s certainly irrational optimism.

I wish I could recommend switching to Linux for everyone, but there’s a lot of software that still depends on Windows and a lot of users that will have a hard time migrating (developers: please stop developing for Microsoft).  Apple seems unequivocally better in refusing to act as key player in bringing about Total Information Awareness.  I’m not a huge fan of their walled garden and computers as overpriced fashion accessories approach, but it is far better than outright theft.  For those that are slightly computer savvy, there’s Linux Mint, which is quite usable and genuinely free.

These instructions might help prevent that disaster of an update being visited upon you (and possibly law enforcement visits to come after Microsoft starts sifting through all your datas and forwarding on whatever they find).  The latest reports suggest they aren’t enough, but it is the best I have found other than isolating your windows box from the internet completely.

Posted at 14:27:03 GMT-0700

Category: NegativePrivacySecurityTechnology