Bikey bikey

Friday, July 20, 2007 

New plugs for the K100.

Posted at 23:45:16 GMT-0700

Category : photoUncategorized


2 Responses

  1. admin says:

    The engine runs fairly well again. I think I’ll schedule it into BMW of San Francsico this week for a “big” (expensive) service. It’s been a while… But nice to have it back in service. It was a surprising pain in the ass locating plugs now that the local BMW dealership, which used to be anomalously (for this neighborhood) just down the street. Now it is relocated and less anomalously merely a Suzuki dealership. Bummer.

  2. Carolyn says:

    I can’t wait to ride on it again, I hope before the rainy season starts this year!

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