kitty says whut
Sony Nex5 ISO 12,800 dim indoor lighting.
It’s Tops!
OpenSSL 1.0.0_4 Install Issues
Updating my server’s install of OpenSSL on FreeBSD 8.1 to 1.0.0_4 (openssl-1.0.0c) I ran into a problem where some of the patch files had been updated but the distinfo file in /usr/ports/security/openssl hasn’t (hadn’t?) been updated to match.
The symptoms are that the update of OpenSSL fails with two errors:
- tls-extractor.patch line count is 1235, distinfo says 1234,
- dtls-sctp-20.patch SHA256 hash is wrong,
- (the tls-extractor.patch hash is wrong too, but the line count hits first).
- SHA256 (openssl-1.0.0c/tls-extractor.patch) = bb1aa486327fd96f9d6b870f0a1ad2c83dd4c06a96284eb64dde3f833ba5e0d0
- SIZE (openssl-1.0.0c/tls-extractor.patch) = 1234
- SHA256 (openssl-1.0.0c/dtls-sctp-20.patch) = 3b451618b64d7dbc917942759c26cbc717be3077e9d73cb3c5bd12a82a132268
+ SHA256 (openssl-1.0.0c/tls-extractor.patch) = b7dfb15b6ab7d62348eaa191fc8ba06565c92ecdd5d08bb5e9eb01a2e7433bb2
+ SIZE (openssl-1.0.0c/tls-extractor.patch) = 1235
+ SHA256 (openssl-1.0.0c/dtls-sctp-20.patch) = f002b13fead7c08270a9cfaf556be49c62be5b46f492ad59db29af4d3e9a4e67
Fixed Graphics Card
Seven New Capacitors, some desoldering (one replacement solder sucker), and a little soldering back and the card is better than new. Note the 10V upgrade too. They’re a little tall, but AGP cards usually have plenty of room. The extra headroom cost several cents.
If you discover that your silvery FZ (saicon) caps are blown up, just replace em. It’s part of the adventure of modern computing.
Cell phone/changing room
This is totally awesome.
People actually used it too – a small, lockable, private room in a public place? Amazing! No “look at my feet” slot under the door either, no evidence of a camera in the room. There was a small desk and power for a laptop and if you were having a noisy conversation or needed to change you could lock yourself in.
It wasn’t completely soundproof, so not quite the unguarded utility closet of Six Feet Under, but still a very nice asset and productivity was enhanced by other people using it rather than entertaining me with their conversations.
Central Park in the Snow
Snow falling on Central Park from the 24th floor.