Windows Suckz

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 

I will never understand why companies choose to spend good money developing software and systems around Windows. How can they be so stupid as to pay for absurd and byzantine licensing of inferior, insecure, opaque operating systems on which to build their products the regular failure of which only serves to damage the reliability of their applications and harm their reputation while reducing profit and increasing cost?

On the plus side, seeing BSODs and hang screens in public places is always good for lulz.

Posted at 07:03:05 GMT-0700

Category: TechnologyTravel

Otherwise it won’t come

Friday, February 17, 2012 

It is a childproof security feature as their little hands won’t reach.

Posted at 06:25:37 GMT-0700

Category: FunnyOddphoto

I <3 Germany

Saturday, February 11, 2012 

Where else can you find a store like this at the airport?

Posted at 04:07:17 GMT-0700

Category: FunnyOddphotoPlacesTravel

Please pull over for my rental car

Monday, February 6, 2012 

Crown Vic. Putting my flashlight on the dash in a red plastic cup on strobe mode and gonna make some time.

Posted at 17:46:49 GMT-0700

Category: Rental cars

Urban Tumbleweed

Thursday, February 2, 2012 

They’re blowin’ down the street.

Watch “Good Hair
Posted at 02:29:25 GMT-0700

Category: Oddphoto