Mobotix Notifier in Python – get desktop messages from your cameras

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 

I wrote a little code in python to act as a persistent, small footprint LAN listener for Mobotix cameras IP Notify events.  If such a thing is useful to you, the code and a .exe compiled version are linked/inline.  It works on both Windows and Linux as python code.  For Windows there’s a humongous (14MB) .exe file use if you don’t want to install Python and mess with the command line in power shell.

Message generated by the Windows Notifier

Mobotix cameras have a pretty cool low-level feature by which you can program via the camera web interface a raw IP-packet event to send to a destination if the camera detects a trigger, for example motion, PIR over threshold, noise level, thermal trigger, or the various AI detectors available on the 7 series cameras. Mobotix had a simple notification application, but some of these older bits of code aren’t well supported any more and Linux support didn’t last long at the company, alas.  The camera runs Linux, why you’d want a client appliance to run anything but Linux is beyond me, but I guess companies like to overpay for crappy software rather than use a much better, free solution.

I wanted something that would push an otherwise not intrusive notification when the camera triggered for something like a cat coming by for dinner, pushing a desktop notification.  Optimally this would be done with broadcast packets over UDP, but Mobotix doesn’t support UDP broadcast IP Notify messaging yet, just TCP, so each recipient address (or DNS name) has to be specified on each camera, rather than just picking a port and having all the listeners tune into that port over broadcast.  Hopefully that shortcoming will be fixed soon.

This code runs headless, there’s no interaction.  From the command line just ./ & and off it goes.  From windows, either the same for the savvy or double click the exe.  All it does is listen on port 8008/TCP and if it gets a message from a camera, reach out and grab the current video image, iconify it, then push a notification using the OS’s notification mechanism which appears as a pop-up window for few seconds with a clickable link to open the camera’s web page.  It works if you have one or a 100 cameras, but it is not intended for frequent events which would flood the desktop with annoyance, rather a front door camera that might message if someone’s at the door.  In a monitoring environment, it might be useful for signaling critical events.

Mobotix Camera Set Up

On the camera side there are just two steps: setting up an IP-Notify action from the Admin Menu and then defining an Action Group from the Setup Menu to trigger it.

IP Notify Profile

The title is the default “SimpleNotify” – that can be anything.

The Destination addresses are the IPs of the listener machines and port numbers.  You can add as many as needed but for now it is not possible to send a UDP broadcast message as UDP isn’t supported yet.  It may be soon, I’ve requested the capability and I expect the mechanism is just a front end for netcat (nc) as it would be strange to write a custom packet generator when netcat is available.  For now, no broadcast, just IP to IP, so you have to manually enumerate all listeners.

I have the profile set for sequential send to all rather than parallel just for debugging, devices further down the list will have lower latency with parallel send.

The data protocol is raw TCP/IP, no UDP option here yet…

The data type is plain text, which is easier to parse at the listener end.   The data structure I’m using reads: $(id.nam), $(id.et0) | Time: $(fpr.timestamp) | Event: $(EVT.EST.ACTIVATED) | PIR: $(SEN.PIR) | Lux: $(SEN.LXL) | Temp: $(SEN.TOU.CELSIUS) | Thermal: $(SEN.TTR.CELSIUS) but it can be anything that’s useful.

Mobotix cameras have a robust programming environment for enabling fairly complex “If This Then That” style operations and triggering is no exception.  One might reasonably configure the Visual Alarm (now with multiple Frame Colors, another request of mine, so that you can have different visual indicators for different detected events, create different definitions at /admin/Visual Alarm Profiles), a fairly liberal criterion might be used to trigger recording, and a more strict “uh oh, this is urgent” criterion might be used to trigger pushing a message to your new listeners.

Action Group Push Message

This config should be fairly obvious to anyone familiar with Mobotix camera configuration: it’s configured to trigger at all detected events but not more than once every 5 seconds.  given it is pushing a desktop alert, a longer deadtime might be appropriate depending on the specifics of triggering events that are configured.

That’s all that’s needed on the camera end: when a triggering event occurs the camera will take action by making a TCP connection to the IP address enumerated on the selected port and, once the connection is negotiated push the text structure.  All we need now is something to listen.

Python Set Up

The provided code can be run as a python “application” but python is an interpreted language and so needs the environment in which to interpret it properly configured.  I also provide a compiled exe derived from the python code using PyInstaller, which makes it easier to run without Python on Windows where most users aren’t comfortable with command lines and also integrates more easily with things like startup applications and task manager and the like.

If you’re going to run the python command-line version, you can use these instructions for Windows, or these for Linux to set up Python. Just make sure to install a version more recent than 3.7 (you’d have to work at installing an older version than that).  Then, once python is installed and working, install the libraries this script uses in either windows powershell or Linux shell as below.  Note that python3 specifies the 3.x series of python vs. 2.x and is only necessary in systems with earlier version baggage like mine.

python[3] -m pip install plyer dnspython py-notifier pillow --upgrade

Once python is installed, you should be able to run the program from the directory by just typing ./, obviously after you’ve downloaded the code itself (see below).

Firewalls: Windows and Linux

Linux systems often have Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) running.  The command to open the ports in the firewall to let any camera on the LAN reach the listener is:

sudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 8008
# if you make a mistake
sudo ufw status numbered
sudo ufw delete 1

This command allows TCP traffic in from the LAN address (, edit as necessary to match your LAN’s subnet) on port 8008.  If a broadcast/UDP version comes along, the firewall rule will change a little.  You can also reduce the risk surface by limiting the allowed traffic to specific camera IPs if needed.

On windows, the first time the program is run, either the python script or the executable, you’ll get a prompt like

Windows Defender Notification for Mobotix Notifier

You probably don’t need to allow public networks, but it depends on how you’ve defined your network ranges whether Windows considers your LAN public or private.

Default Icon Setup

One of the features of the program is to grab the camera’s event image and convert it to the alert icon which provides a nearly uselessly low rez visual indicator of the device reporting and the event that caused the trigger.  The icon size itself is 256×256 pixels on linux and 128×128 on windows (.ico).  Different window managers/themes provide more or less flexibility in defining the alert icons.   Mine are kinda weak.

Linux event notificationThe win-10 notification makes better use of the icon.  Older versions of linux had a notification customization tool that seems to have petered out at 16.x, alas.  But the icons have some detail if your theme will show them.

Another feature is that the code creates the icon folder if it doesn’t exist.  It almost certainly will on Linux but probably won’t on windows unless you’ve run some other Linuxy stuff on your windows box.  The directory created on windows is your home directory\.local\share\icons\. On Linux systems, the directory should exist and is ~/.local/share/icons/. In that directory you should copy the default camera icon as “mobotix-cam.ico” like so:

where to put mobotix-cam.ico

You can put any icon there as your preferred default as long as it is in .ico format, or use the one below (right-click on the image or link and “save as” to download the .ico file with resolution layers):

Mobotix Camera M16If, for some reason, the get image routine fails, the code should substitute the above icon so there’s a recognizable visual cue of what the notification is about. code

The python code below can be saved as “” (or anything else you like) and the execution bit set, then it can be run as ./ on Linux or python .\ on Windows. On Linux, the full path to where you’ve installed the command can be set as a startup app and it will run on startup/reboot and just listen in the background.  It uses about 13 seconds a day of CPU time on my system.

Click to download the Windows .exe which should download as mobotix_notifier.exe. (14.0MiB)  After the above configuration steps of on the camera(s) and firewall are completed it should start silently and run in the background after launch (kill it with task manager if needed) and push desktop alerts as expected.  I used “UC” alarms to test rather than waiting for stray cats.

The python code is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
from PIL import Image
import socket
from plyer import notification
import io
import os.path

# note windows version needs .ico files
# note windows paths have to be r type to handle
# backslashes in windows paths
# Check operating environment and define path names
# for the message icons accordingly.
# if OS path doesn't exist, then create it.

if == "nt":
    Ipath = r"~\.local\share\icons\mobotix-cam.ico"
    Epath = r"~\.local\share\icons\mobotix-event.ico"
    fIpath = os.path.expanduser(Ipath)
    fEpath = os.path.expanduser(Epath)
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(fEpath)
    if not os.path.exists(dirpath):

    Ipath = "~/.local/share/icons/mobotix-cam.png"
    Epath = "~/.local/share/icons/mobotix-event.png"
    fIpath = os.path.expanduser(Ipath)
    fEpath = os.path.expanduser(Epath)
    dirpath = os.path.dirname(fEpath)
    if not os.path.exists(dirpath):

def grab_jpeg_image(camera_ip):
    """Grabs a JPEG image from the specified camera IP."""

    # Make a request to the camera IP
    response = requests.get(f"http://{camera_ip}/control/event.jpg", stream=True) # noqa

    # Check if the request was successful
    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Convert the response data to an image
        image =

        # Return the image
        return image

        # import the default icon
        image =

        # Return the image
        return image

def convert_jpeg_to_png(image, width, height):
    """Converts a JPEG image to a PNG image."""

    # size = width, height

    # Scale the image
    image.thumbnail((width, height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)

    # Save the image according to OS convention
    if == "nt":
        icon_sizes = [(16, 16), (32, 32), (48, 48), (64, 64), (128, 128)], format='ICO', sizes=icon_sizes)

def iconify(src_ip):

    # Grab the JPEG image from the camera
    image = grab_jpeg_image(src_ip)

    # Convert the JPEG image to a PNG image
    convert_jpeg_to_png(image, 256, 256)

def reverse_dns_lookup(src_ip):

        return socket.gethostbyaddr(src_ip)[0]
    except socket.gaierror:
        return "no dns"
    except socket.herror:
        return "no dns"

def test_str(answer):
        return str(answer)
    except TypeError:
        return answer.to_text()

def listener():
    """Listens for incoming connections on port 8008."""

    # Create a socket
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    # Bind the socket to port 8008
    sock.bind(("", 8008))

    # Listen for incoming connections

    while True:
        # Accept an incoming connection
        conn, addr = sock.accept()

        # Receive the payload of the packet
        data = conn.recv(2048)

        # Close the connection

        # convert from literal string to remove b' prefix of literal string
        data = str(data)[2:-1]

        # Extract the source IP from the address
        src_ip = addr[0]

        # Grab the event image as an icon

        # Do a DNS lookup of the source IP
        answer = reverse_dns_lookup(src_ip)

        # Get the hostname from the DNS response
        hostname = test_str(answer)

        # Write the hostname to notify-send

        title = (f"Event from: {hostname} - {src_ip}")
        message = (f"{data} http://{src_ip}/control/userimage.html")


        # Echo the data to stdout for debug
        # print(f"Event from {hostname} | {src_ip} {data}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Please note the usual terms of use.

Posted at 08:21:09 GMT-0700

Category : CodeHowToLinuxTechnology

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