A week of tweets: 2009-08-09

Sunday, August 9, 2009 
  • Once again, comutting to LA for the day. Escape the sf cold. #
  • Wow, got in car in santa monica at 4:58, returned car and made 6:09 flight with several minutes to spare. #
  • Walked on the plane, saw a friend from high school who lives in australia. Small world… #
  • Off to iad. My schedule originally had me popping down from yyz, not slogging over from sfo. Plans… #
  • Plug in power. Yay ual! Free electrons! Now if I just had some wiggler magnets we could have a show. #
  • Boarding to FCO… Gang boarding premium on an international flight? Hmmm… #
  • At fco and what’s in rome? The crocks. The company is failing yet tourists from the midwest continue bright yellow plastc cultural hegemony #

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