Homeopathy Illustrated

Sunday, July 4, 2010

This is a great description of Homeopathy. I have occasionally pointed out to (usually unreceptive friends) a few of the curious consequences of logic in Homeopathy, but thislittle cartoon is a far more entertaining analysis:


Read more…

Posted at 23:09:50 GMT-0700

Category: FunnyPositiveReviews

What up with the “+” Google?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

<meta content=”text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1″

Type “Log Viewer” (without the quotes) and get “Log+Viewer.” It seems
like an operator that would force adjacency, but it doesn’t seem to.
“Log AND Viewer” becomes “Log+AND+Viewer” (the explicit operator isn’t
parsed) and “”log viewer”” becomes “”log+viewer”” so it seems the space
is being replaced with “+” (#32 replaced by #43).

Posted at 05:29:18 GMT-0700

Category: OddTechnology

A week of tweets: 2010-07-04

Sunday, July 4, 2010
  • Crazy delays on UAL LAX-SFO today. Long few days: LAX-SFO-dinner w/ Mr. Cerasoli and the Gerbil Team-IAD-Germany (embassy)-LAX-Bako-LAX-SFO #
  • Why so cold and gray, LA? #
  • Reallty sweet FA just called my name out as I was walking through the airport and gave me a great hug, made my day but #iflytoomuch #
  • A hat blew into the air conditioning duct of my UAL SFO-JFK flight: delayed. Not quites as unlikely as a bird dropping a baugette in it. #
  • Hat has been extracted. On our way. #
  • Just read about this builing’s bankruptcy in the WSJ. Is cool looking. #
Posted at 02:11:00 GMT-0700

Category: Twitter