A week of tweets: 2009-04-26
Sunday, April 26, 2009
- 32/94 in the shade in oakland today… http://twitpic.com/3mfdl #
- HOT run today. What is this humidity thing? #
- Just heard the steam whistle of the 844 leaving Oakland. #
- Flying to ORD then YYZ… #
- Oh yay, an extra two hours at ord. Arr. YYZ @ 2:30ish… #
- Finally, off to canada after much delay. Weather says it will be almost 70 degrees colder than what I left. #
- near 43.645028, -79.647831 http://tinyurl.com/dbtmg8 delta T = 60F + drizzle #
- At #rbc with @rbcjunkie. Mmmm canadian coffee! http://twitpic.com/3wiks #
- Mr. Gessel, the last one to board, as usual, eh? #
- Flying home for almost a whole weekend. Yay! Its Tops night! #
- My nuts are cold. And not exposed until the end of the flight This is wrong, but does it warrant a complaint to Global Services? #
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Posted at 02:11:00 GMT-0700