A week of tweets: 2010-02-28

Sunday, February 28, 2010
  • Back in la. Home for about 36 hours this fortnight. Hate leaving SF on a sunny day, but better to LA than Guelph in winter. #
  • Nice volvo S80 from hertz today in LA, but it won’t read any of my media! #
  • Free DC Premiere Gittoes‘ Miscreants of Talliwood tonight @ 8pm @ Letelier 3251 Prospect St. NW 202-338-5835 Q&A w dir https://web.archive.org/web/20181224083918/http://gittoes-dalton-films.com/ #
  • Carolyn’s DCA apartment is too convenient: woke up at 4:00, waiting at gate for flight to YYZ by 4:40. DCA>>IAD. #
  • Acceleration slidewalk at YYZ is OPEN. Whee! #
  • Watching Canadian women win gold in bobsled in a Canadian bar drinking Canadian beer. They are somewhat improbably hot, sexy, and flirty. #
  • This doesn’t look promising… #
  • Overheard, one FA to another, re a guitar being fit into an overstuffed closet: “because we don’t want to end up on a youtube video.” #
  • US7669123 Prior (8/06) art please: social network+monitored activities+news about activity+link to participate+privacy/not everyone can see #
  • Gaylords coffee #

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Posted at 02:11:00 GMT-0700

Category: Twitter

Oh Canada

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A little northern snow in the great white north.

Media CardBlackBerrypicturesIMG00354-20100225-2231.jpg
Posted at 20:44:24 GMT-0700

Category: PlacesTravelWeather

Miscreants of Taliwood Free Tonight

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Carolyn and I saw the Miscreants of Taliwood at the Telluride Film Festival last September and had an opportunity to talk with the director, George Gittoes. We felt the movie was an important record and George an important resource for the people we work with in DC and arranged to have him come for a screening.

Miscreants is the only western film by the only western observer in the Tribal region of Pakistan along the Afghan border during the tumultuous period starting with the siege of the Red Mosque/Lal Masjid in June of 2007 and including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

This is a unique document, the sole direct, ground-level view of the geographic heart of Taliban ideology and a core operations center for Al Qaeda. Further, the opportunity to speak with Gittoes is particularly exceptional as his two years in the region were marked by extraordinary encounters that he was unable to incorporate into his documentary because “when people are pointing guns at you, taking out your camera gets you killed.”

We are screening it tonight, Wednesday, February 24th at 8pm at the Letelier Theater at 3251 Prospect Street, NW (upper courtyard – above Café Milano) Wash, DC 20007 202-338-5835. Admission is free. A parking garage is located between Café Milano and Café Peacock.

There will be a Q & A with George Gittoes immediately following the screening.

Posted at 13:38:50 GMT-0700

Category: EventsGeopostPositiveReviews

A week of tweets: 2010-02-21

Sunday, February 21, 2010
  • Said goodbye to @phragments in SFO lot today as she is flying Delta… #
  • New hertz neverlost. Touchscreen! No more 1990s video game high score. #
  • Off to ORD then YYZ from 70 and sunny LAX. Temp shock test #
  • RT @danuyemura: It’s nice there are other non koolaide drinking peeps out there: foursquare is worthless. #pleaserobme.com #
  • I h8 the old TED planes. #
  • Corolla? Hertz YYZ does not meet Hz LAX standards. Maybe the gas pedal will stick… #
  • Amazing approach to LGA: right down Manhattan low enough to see people on the streets, left at new red skyscraper. #
  • Just saw Miscreants of Talliwood at MOMA NY: excellent and powerful. George gives amazing Q&A. See if interested in .af or .pk #
  • Home at SFO with @phragments. Long week… #

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Posted at 01:11:00 GMT-0700

Category: Twitter

Infiniti fx35 rental

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thanks Hertz. White?

Media CardBlackBerrypicturesIMG00317-20100216-1337.jpg
The FX35 was consistently one of my favorite rentals. It’s quite a capable and comfortable car.
Posted at 11:39:26 GMT-0700

Category: Rental carsTravel

How to Disable Stupid Extra Mouse Buttons

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Modern mice seem to think it essential to include a “bump this side of the mouse to delete your work” button, oddly configured as a “back” button in most browsers. Why? I have no idea. Personally I rarely actually need to navigate forward and backward while browsing. I suppose a lot of people have navigation remorse or something, but for me the button has only been a source of frustration.

There seemed to be only one option since the logitech mouse driver suite is inexplicably larger than most complete operating system installs and therefore unsuitable for any normal computer, taking apart the mouse and cutting the leads to the Stupid Switches.

Instead I found this little utility that lets you disable the buttons (you can also map them to something else you’d like to accidentally trigger if that amuses you). Now I won’t lose my work when creating a message in Gmail or working in redmine.

Posted at 00:17:37 GMT-0700

Category: Technology

A week of tweets: 2010-02-14

Sunday, February 14, 2010
  • No matter how dirty your eyes feel after browsing 4chan, do not wash them with dr bronner’s. Another hour of #
  • Wow, chemical peel for my cornea. My eye will look decades younger. But for the next week dr says “it is going to hurt. A lot.” I like her. #
  • Dr. Looking at eye with slit lamp: “wow…wow.” “Is that a good wow or a bad one?” “Really bad.” I like these people. Very cool. #
  • Whip It showing UAL EB now. Saw at TIFF; top 10 of 2009. Smashly Simpson/Drew Barrymore FTW. Julliete Lewis: sexiest actress evar. NBK #
  • Accelerated slidewalk is running at YYZ! #
  • It’s Tops is the tops. #
  • It’s Tops is the tops. #

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Posted at 02:11:00 GMT-0700

Category: Twitter

Don’t Clean Eyes With Soap

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ouch ouch. 3 days later and still quite lovely. This is what I get for using earth friendly Dr. Bronner’s soap in an earth friendly refillable soap dispenser, which tends to develop a little plug of soap, and which was ejected directly into my eye. Earth friendly but not eye friendly…

Posted at 23:18:46 GMT-0700

Category: Oddphoto

A week of tweets: 2010-02-07

Sunday, February 7, 2010
  • Cool… Some twit named THCx auto-me-followed them. That’s a powerful twitter hack. #
  • DOH! #
  • Walking to work today. In LA. Go figure. #
  • Hundreds of people around the world took part in the homeopathic “overdose” on Saturday. No one died. #
  • Fleeing snowmageddon along with the rest and @phragments. Go plane go, before the now empty skies are a pure white blinding blizzard. Again #
  • Lord Lucas ROCKS! #
  • RT @UnitedAirlines: Expect limited DC Metro service due to snowfall; @banasidhe #snowpocalypse #

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Posted at 01:11:00 GMT-0700

Category: Twitter